I created this site after my own personal experience of an unauthorised life changing post pregnancy ​hysterectomy, it is my little wish to help and inform other women the truth about this procedure .
This is our site and to all the women who have had a hysterectomy and post pregnancy ​hysterectomy you can have your voice and it will be heard
To anyone who has found our site and wants to add their story
has been create with a little wish
To prevent uninformed decisions about life changing surgeries and the affects they have on women post surgery.
Our site contains accounts from women and the victims will provide information which will hopefully help others protect themselves and the ones they love, which many of us were denied.
was created with, a very simple little wish, which should not even need to be...
NO (post pregnancy) hysterectomy with out INFORMED consent.
No excuses!
If you have been given a (post pregnancy) hysterectomy which you did not give INFOMRED consent to, and wish to complete and account/questionnaire (or update one previously submitted) to help educate and inform, please feel free to contact us.